
Strategic Alliance

Hexcellence Global Partners

   Center for
   Management and

The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness (CMOE) was founded in 1978 with the vision and mission to help organizations improve leadership and team member skills.  Through in-depth research and consulting, CMOE has developed highly effective, skill-based training programs, workshops, materials, and experiences that address the specific needs of individuals and organizations.  CMOE continues to develop customized courses for our clients that make an impact on the leaders and team members of today and tomorrow.

We have successfully designed and delivered programs for a variety of Fortune 500 companies, as well as smaller organizations.

Hexcel is the strategic partner of CMOE for Asia-Pacific region.
Click Here for details

Visit CMOE's Corporate Website  Click Here

Anne Bruce-Photo
Anne Bruce
Over the years, Anne Bruce has evolved from the best-selling author of several books in the field of human behavior, leadership, and motivation to an inspirational force and a respected specialist, speaker, and trainer in the area of human development and personal growth.

Visit Anne Bruce's Website  Click Here

Make A Difference
Inspirational Movies

Make A Difference Movie
Who I Am Makes A Difference
Speak to Us Children Movie
Connection Movie
Big Shoes Movie

Click to Watch Click to Watch Click to Watch Click to Watch Click to Watch

Scott Johnson

Scott Quinn Johnson
Positive Music Artist
Singer/Songwriter/Life Coach

Visit Scott's Website
Click Here


Positive music to lighten up and enjoy your life.

New Voices New World
Positive music to transform your life.

Dreams In The Making
Positive music to manifest your dreams.

Positive music for those coming in and passing on.

Googol On!
Positive music to inspire your kids.

Lot 545, 1st Floor, Section 62, Ang Cheng Ho Road, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.  Tel: +60-82-412218   Fax: +60-82-412217  Email: hexcellence@gmail.com
  © 1999-2008 Hexcel. All rights reserved.