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Hexcellence  Inspirational Talks

Maximizing Human Excellence

Maximizing Human Potential
Our high-energy HexcellenceInspirational Talks will profoundly impact individual's quality of life and help them
achieve breakthrough results in performance, productivity and ultimately, company's profitability.

the challenge
Managers and business owners recognize that it is the people who work for them that make the difference, regardless of the service or product they market or manufacture. However, today’s demanding workplace and business environment has left many people confused, stressful, fearful, demotivated and sometimes resentful to the rapid changes that took place. Survey after survey have identified "lack of motivation" as the number one human resources concern of business owners and managers. This  motivation crisis directly affects productivity and bottom line.

the opportunity
The skill of self-management is as crucial as job-function expertise in facing the 21st Century challenges. By empowering individuals to develop this critical life skill, they will rediscover their latent self-motivation as they embark on a journey of self-development with a renewed purpose for their life and job performance. When your workforce feel that they are growing as individuals,  they will become more dedicated to growing your organization which will ultimately help the organizations to exceed the expected business performance.

the solution
We will help you make the most of your most valuable asset - your workforce. Our series of high-energy and inspiring HexcellenceInspirational Sessions will engage the hearts and minds of your workforce to ReThink, ReFocus, ReLearn and ReEnergize their roles and performance. Individuals will leave with a renewed commitment to develop POSitive philosophy and solid principles necessary to maximize their potential which will profoundly impact their quality of life and reach new heights of performance.
The learning process in our HexcellenceInspirational Sessions will provide both the motivation and education that will expand the mind of your workforce on a world of possibilities in increasing their personal effectiveness necessary to Create POSitive Change in all aspect of their performance and help grow your organization way into the future.

customized for any event

Corporate/Staff Retreats

Keynote Presentations
Sales Meetings

Recognition Ceremonies
Management Meetings

Employee Development Training
Launching of Strategies/Theme

Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Events

possible presentation topics include

Timely Topic Enthusiastically Delivered to Help You and Your Team Excel

Soaring in Changing Times
Energizing Your Organization

Mindful Challenges
Life is Fantastic!

A New Paradigm for Success
Building A Better  You (B.A.B.Y.)

The Leadership Challenge
Winning Attitudes

Motivation in the Workplace
Developing Total Quality People

...your own topic

presentation format
Our motivational seminars are versatile and can be customized and delivered in the following format:

Keynote Presentation : Up to 45 Minutes

Learning Seminar : Up to 3 Hours

Indepth Workshop : Up to 3 Days


of your employees are less motivated today than they used to be.

of your employees could perform significantly better if they wanted to.

of your employees only put enough effort into their work to keep their job.

Source: Superer Motivation book by Dean Spitzer, 1995

   endorsement of poh teck lim's book


"This is a wonderful book, full of practical ideas you can use immediately to perform at higher levels than ever before."
Brian Tracy
Author, Maximum Achievement

Poh wth Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy

Photo: Poh
Speaker ~ Trainer-Coach ~ Author
With his passion for human excellence and performance solutions backed up by both formal and lifelong learning, Poh enriches his audience with content rich and highly energizing presentations that consistently receives rave reviews.

Poh Teck Lim's versatility is matched in full by the flexibility he brings to each assignment. His exciting talks and keynote addresses are tailored to the goals of your event and the needs of your audience.

Through advance preparation, Poh creates fresh actionable ideas to help prepare your organization or association to meet tomorrow's performance challenges. He speaks your language, knows your challenges, and works your theme into his timely message.

If you are looking for a professional who offers consistent excellence and who approaches learning from an integrated perspective, then call on Poh Teck Lim for your next event.

Poh has a variety of high-energy, action-oriented presentations that are appropriate for a wide range of occasions.

Each address from 45 minutes to two-hour long, and is ideal for convention kickoffs, meetings, quality day, banquets, conferences or staff retreat.

Poh Brings You:
Fresh Actionable Ideas
New Insights
Practical Skills
If you're looking for these results:

Sustainable strategies for achieving corporate and personal excelence based on our strategic Hexcellence™ Model.

Energized workforce with renewed sense of purpose and POSitive Attitudes to grow themselves and your organization way into the future.

New perspective with breakthrough skills for building POSitive relationships with customers and work teams.

Transforming mindset to Improve quality of performance and mastery of work-life balance through value creation.
....then contact Poh Teck Lim to discuss about a Learning Program or Keynote Presentation that is rich in content, energizing, entertaining and customized with actionable ideas to meet your specific needs and goals.

Transform Your Workforce to Transform Your Organization

Hexcellence Model

Lot 545, 1st Floor, Section 62, Ang Cheng Ho Road, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.  Tel: +60-82-412218   Fax: +60-82-412217  Email: hexcellence@gmail.com
  © 1999-2008 Hexcel. All rights reserved.