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Hexcellence Learning Programs

Competency Based Training Series
Empowering Workforce with Fresh Attitudes, Sharpen their Skills and Fill their Knowledge Gaps
to Drive Personal and Organizational Success

Our Hexcellence™ Learning Programs,
based on the strategic
  Hexcellence™ Model,
profoundly impact individual’s
attitudes, skills and knowledge,
which will ultimately contribute towards
workforce productivity
and company’s performance.

Our Hexcellence™ Performance Intervention Approachhelps you achieve these RESULTS!!

Sustainable strategies for transforming mindset to mind growth based on our strategic Hexcellence™ Model to achieve corporate and personal breakthroughs.

Energized workforce with renewed sense of purpose and POSitive Attitudes to grow themselves and their organization way into the future.

New perspective with breakthrough skills for building POSitive relationships with customers and work teams.

Improved quality of performance and mastery of work-life balance through value creation.

All our Hexcellence™ Learning Programs are versatile can be further customized to meet your specific training objectives and to be in line with your organization's vision, mission, values and corporate culture.

Hexcellence Methodology

Hexcellence™ Methodology

Leadership Development
Mindful Leadership
    Empowering Leaders to Manage the Human Side of Change to
Achieve Personal and Corporate Breakthroughs in Chaning Times   

Participant's Feedback

To thrive in today's demanding workplace and business environment, a vision driven and performance oriented organization will need to nurture a partnership with a high performing workforce who is forward thinking, clearly focused, continually learning, and highly-motivated in every position, at every job working together for maximum results through value creation.

This unique learning program will empower your Executives with self-leadership skills to enhance personal effectiveness to drive organizational competitiveness through partnership in the workplace.

I attended the Leadership Challenge session by Mr. Poh. It was very interesting and thought provoking. I feel that it is the basis of Industrial psychology. The presentation skills of Mr. Poh made the delivery even easier & interesting.

Equate, Kuwait

Workforce Effectiveness

Creating POSitive Change
    Empowering Your Workforce to
Transform Personal Effectiveness to Drive Organizational Competitiveness   

Participant's Feedback

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Organizational fitness to thrive in changing times is dependent on the mental and emotional fitness of the workforce.
Today’s demanding workplace and business environment has left many people confused, stressful, fearful and sometimes resentful to the changes that took place. This will result in the deterioration of their life’s philosophy and thus affect their attitudes and performance.

By encouraging and enabling individuals to renew their life’s philosophy based on timeless principles, they will ultimately achieve breakthrough in their personal and professional life, thus affecting all aspects of their performance and help to grow your organization way into the future.

This unique learning program will provide both the motivation and education that your workforce need to Create POSitive Change in all aspect of their performance and quality of life.

"I have learnt how to be more confident in dealing with my colleagues and subordinates. It is also interesting to note that it would definitely make me a new person in and outside of myself after completing the course."
Motorola Technology Penang,  Malaysia

Human Potential

Inspire and Energize the Workforce to Heightened Performance and Productivity

Client's Testimony

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Managers and business owners recognize that it is the people who work for them that make the difference, regardless of the produ` or service they manufacture or sell. We will help you make the most of your most valuable asset - your people. 

Our variety of customized presentations based on your training challenge or focus will inspire individuals to grow and when they feel they are growing as individuals, they will become more dedicated to contribute and help grow the organization way into the future.

Possible Speaking Topics

Soaring in Changing Times

Mindful Challenges towards Peak Performance

Moving from Mindset to Mind Growth

Building A Better You (B.A.B.Y.)

Life is Fantastic

Energizing Your Workforce

Winning Attitudes

Customized for Any Event
• Conventions/Conferences
• Management Meetings
• Corporate/Staff Retreats
• Recognition Ceremonies
• Keynote Presentations
• QCC/TQM or ISO Processes
• Launching of Strategies
• Employee Training
• Sales Meeting

We were enthralled with the captivating and lively session and admired your innate ability to bring the message across. There was not a minute of self-distraction as I could see that all participants were focused and learning new values unfolded before them. Certainly, there are new values learned from your training. My colleagues and I received positive feedback from the other participants who had expressed enthusiasm in rationalizing the values and applying them at the shopfloor.
National Semiconductor Manufacturer Singapore 


Mindful Service Attitudes
Cutting Edge Strategies for Delivering Exceptional Customer Service

Client's Testimony

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Superb customer service is what the customers expect in  today's demanding and challenging service environment. For an organization to create an energizing workforce and a company-wide service oriented culture, each member of the workforce need to balance their customer service skills with the self-management skills necessary to generate POSitive Attitudes towards themselves, their organization and their customers

This empowering learning program is based on the strategic Hexcellence™ Service Model that encourages the individuals to deal more effectively with their emotional intelligence in the service delivery process.

Other Topics Available:

How to Deliver Branded Customer Service

How to Give Exceptional Customer Service

Time for Service Recovery

The training session is highly motivational and relevant, as the core of our business is to provide excellence service to our valued guest. Your presentation techniques never fail to capture the attention of the audience from the start till the end of the training session (entertaining yet highly informative). Our staff are "ReEnergize" and are geared to Make A Difference after the training session.
ParkCity Beverly Hotel Bintulu

Supervisory Development

High-Performance Supervision
Mastering Supervisory Competencies to Meet Challenges of the New Workplace

Client's Testimony

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Supervisors are on the front-lines, interacting moment by moment with employees to accomplish the organization’s goals and objectives.  Each day the supervisor’s job becomes more challenging as organization strive to maintain the high performance levels essential to thrive in a changing and competitive workplace and business environment.

This is a highly interactive workshop that provides Supervisors with proven strategies to master the critical competencies for creating a team of positive, empowering and energizing employees who are aligned towards the organization's vision and goals based on the strategic Hexcellence™ Supervision Model..

This practical Hexcellence Learning Program will actively challenge the learners with application exercises to put the strategies discussed into practice. At the end of the workshop, participants will review key strategies and include them in their action planning.

We would like to commend you for the training methodology: structured lessons from the workbook, behavior examples, illustrations and reinforcement activities, and the use of the Hexcellence Performance Model which contributed to maximum and effective learning experiences as it provides a systematic framework to address the supervisory issues and challenges.

Star Cruises


POWer Presentations
Strategies and Practice for High-Impact Delivery that
Command Attention, Connect with People and Compel Them into Action

Participant's Feedback

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In a dynamic working environment, where each of us needs to interact daily with an ever-increasing variety of work teams and groups, the ability to speak well and communicate our ideas, and ourselves, effectively is of paramount importance. No matter how much we might try, few of us are able to permanently avoid situations where we must present our thoughts or ideas before a group, nor the butterflies, sweaty palms, and dry lips that go with such situations.

This high-impact training program is specially designed to coach and sharpen participants' presentation skills through the acquisition of the principles and techniques of giving a winning presentation based on the HexcellencePresentation Model.

I really value the two-day program because the Course Leader makes it practical, give feedback, encourage participation and relate to real experiences on the spot of presentation with free flow of Q & A.

Petronas Carigali (Sarawak Operations)

Time & Life Management

POSitive Time Management
Capture The Time You Need to Accomplish What You Want

Client's Testimony

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Time is our greatest resource and our most misused. Day after day, we let it trickle away.  Have you noticed how there is never enough of it to do everything you want to do? Most effective people are those who maximize their time resource, they can develop strategies to meet the demands in the workplace and in their personal relationship by focusing on what matters most. Now you can get full control of your time, your work, your results and your life.

In this powerful and practical workshop, you learn practical methods and techniques you can use immediately to get more done, faster, than perhaps you ever believed possible, based on the Hexcellence™ Model.

The overall program has certainly given valuable insight and training to our staff in making the working environment a better and effective place to be. The contents of the program showed that the facilitator has a great deal of experience on daily working attitudes in many aspects.

KKB Engineering Berhad,

Leadership Development

Our United States
Training Partner



Centre for Management and Organization Effectiveness

This impactful, skill building workshop designed to teach team  leaders and team members critical Coaching Skills to facilitate powerful partnerships in the workplace. Turn empowerment and Total Quality into more than just words. Learn the skills to make them happen.

Sooner of later, people have to start doing something differently.
They have to start communicating more like a coach.


Lot 545, 1st Floor, Section 62, Ang Cheng Ho Road, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.  Tel: +60-82-412218   Fax: +60-82-412217  Email: hexcellence@gmail.com
  © 1999-2010 Hexcel. All rights reserved.