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Hexcellence Learning Programs

Competency Based Training Series
Empowering Workforce with Fresh Attitudes, Sharpen their Skills and Fill their Knowledge Gaps
to Drive Personal and Organizational Success

Our Unique Training Methodology and Process

Our Hexcellence™ Learning Programs,
based on the strategic
Hexcellence™ Model,
profoundly impact individual’s attitudes, skills and knowledge,
which will ultimately contribute towards
workforce effectiveness and organizational's competitiveness.

Our training, facilitation and coaching actively engages participants and stimulates discussion with actionable ideas; involvement and lively interaction with on-the-spot coaching and ample time for Q & A.

The keys for sustainable performance through our Hexcellence™ Performance Intervention Methodology are:

Advance Preparation
To understand your organization, your staff, your challenges and desired performance outcome.

Our highly customized content with practical and actionable ideas that addresses the specific training needs for your organization and the individuals.

Adult Learning Concept
We believe that learning should be fun and innovative ideas and solutions need to be life-relevant, user-friendly and sustainable. We will focus not only on theory, but on the attitudes, sharpening of skills and filling the knowledge gaps necessary to drive personal and organizational success.

Sustainability Strategies
To transform your training initiative into performance outcome, our training incorporate sustainability strategies such as coaching, teach-back opportunities, publications, assignments, easy-to-remember tools and models which act as a common language and framework. We can design other ongoing activities and resources to sustain, strenghten, and extend the learning process.

Hexcellence Methodology


All our training programs are versatile can be further customized to meet your specific training objectives and to be in line with your organization's vision, mission, values and corporate culture.

Motivation / Keynote Addresses

Hexcellence Learning Program Series

Coaching, Teamwork and Leadership Programs by Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness


Lot 545, 1st Floor, Section 62, Ang Cheng Ho Road, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.  Tel: +60-82-412218   Fax: +60-82-412217  Email: hexcellence@gmail.com
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